Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One Life!!!!!.....

One life. Why so serious? This catch line of the latest advertisement for Honda Jazz, leaves me smiling each time I read it. Amidst our daily routine, this campaign comes as a breath of fresh air that reminds us of something invaluable: life is not serious. We make it so.

The people behind the campaign must be wise souls. I reckon they’ve all had a glimpse into the truth. Or they were inspired by American author Elbert Hubbard, who once said, “Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never get out of it alive.”

The truth is that seriousness is ugly, gloomy, and boring. And life is beautiful, happy, and exciting. Life is the antithesis of seriousness.

Human beings are the only species I guess who get the right to choose happiness and sadness for themselves. Have we ever seen any other animals so serious??.. One of my friends in college once said to me "If a person wants to be happy, he/she can be happy all the time regardless of the surrounding". I couldn't agree less during the time when he told me this. But eventually I realized the full meaning inside the sentence. Life is not about living 60 years or so and then dying. Its about enjoying each and every moment of your stay in this world.

From him I learned that the fairy tale endings "and they lived happily ever after", is not only limited to stories. It can be applied to our lives also. But it needs to come from within us. The sole aim of our life is to be happy. Happiness can be found in anything we want. For e.g we can find happiness in our child's laugh, father's happiness, friend's raise and so on..... It lies on us to find the source. The rest just remain grim all their lives trying to find their purpose in life when in fact all along the purpose screams out loudly at their face.

Bad phase comes in everyone's life. Even our best of friends may desert us during our lowest times. But that shouldn't be a deterrent. We should learn our lesson and move on. A person starts to be happy when he learns the art of letting go. The more he lets go of the things or people which bring him sorrow, the more he becomes happy.

Thus it is upon us to be happy or to be not. The choice lies on us and as I have always believed "We can be the best, the secret lies within us"... I hope everyone of us finds their happiness so that just like in fairy tales we can all live happily ever after... :)


Anonymous said...

"A person starts to be happy when he learns the art of letting go." Good one.!

LordDJoKeR said...

Thnk u.. :)