Sunday, August 2, 2009

What is Friendship??

So once again we are all celebrating the friendship day. I must say I'm quite laid back and careless when it comes to these type of days such as the brother's day, mother's day, father's day etc. and the list goes on.
So coming to friendship, its a very weird thing and in no means any amount of words can ever suffice this relationship. This is one of the most peculiar of relationships which unlike all others we have the freedom to choose who we become friends with.
I've been blessed with many in my life. One who is my mom, my dad, my bro and many others who I'm not related by blood but still we are bros. The most funny thing about friendship is that how its definition changes as we grow up.

The basic definition of a friend according to Websters dictionary is:

1. A person you know well and regard with affection and trust; "he was my best friend at the university".
2. An associate who provides assistance; "he's a good ally in fight"; "they were friends of the workers".
3. A person with whom you are acquainted; "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances"; "we are friends of the family".
4. A person who backs a politician or a team etc.; "all their supporters came out for the game"; "they are friends of the library".
5. A member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers).

But in our lives the definition of a friend keeps on changing with us. As kids the definition is very simple: Someone you play with.

And as a teenager it gets a bit more complex - A soul you can trust. A heart that accepts you. A person you care for. A fist that will fight for you. Two feet that will stand beside you when things get hairy.

But as an adult we dilute our definition of the word friend. It becomes flexible to include acquaintances. People who we simply share interests but may not care for in the least.

Maybe this is a good thing. We grow tolerant. Our hearts less exclusive. Maybe its the acknowledgment that life is a whole lot easier if we lay down our walls and be cool with one another.

Maybe its an acknowledgment that we had it right when we were children - simply now a friend is someone you share a drink with and maybe a joke.

I'd like to believe that, but...

there's a part in me which still believes in the teenager definition of a friend. For me a friend is someone whom you can always forgive and vice verse. You can share even the smallest of details of your life with ease. Perhaps there requires to be an invisible thread which can bind us together for our lives and I'm very lucky to have found many such friends.

But even though I've found many amazing people, there were times when I've been deceived by people who were once my very good friends. They changed and the reason they gave was that they couldn't forgive anyone (even though they were the ones who made the mistakes and I went to say sorry because its never bad to bow a little in front of a person you love or care about) but they seem to have forgotten that forgiveness is the virtue of the brave. Even though our life demands us to throw them out of lives and move on, still the good times spent will always be remembered and cherished upon. May be good sense will prevail upon those people someday....

But in spite of all the downturns, friendship is definitely worth enjoying something, and as popularly said that like every rose has a thorn we must take these people as a lesson and make ourselves a better and a more learned human being, after all thats what we strive to become each day, right?.. the best..!!! .. ;)

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