Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Self Realization...

As I sit in my home doing nothing at all, life suddenly seems to be stopped feeling so stressed out and interesting. May be because I'm under the able guidance and protection of my parents who protect me from the ugly outside world.So all the while sitting here I've stumbled upon something which is perhaps most important in our self development - The meaning and the power of self.
Each individual must know himself. He has to identify himself as the infinite, eternal and immortal Consciousness. However, the concept of Infinity, Eternity and Immortality is absolutely foreign to us. Why? The reason is quite simple. We live in the body, rather than in the soul. To us the body is everything. There is nothing and can be nothing beyond the body. The existence of the soul we consider sheer imagination. But I assure you that the soul is not imaginary. Most of us live in the body, in the earthbound physical consciousness. Our teacher is Darkness; our professor is Ignorance. But if ever we live in the soul, we shall see that our teacher is Vision and our professor is Illumination.
As we gain more knowledge we tend to become more and more enlightened but still there's emptiness inside, we feel hollow, unsatisfied but when we come in contact with our inner self, we find answers to all our questions, we are at peace. "How is this possible?" one may ask. The answer to this is that "Life is effort" to the body but "Life is blessing" to the soul.
Can dedication and aspiration offer man self realization? Yes. Man's dedication is his heart flower offered at the Feet of God. Man's aspiration is his soul fruit placed in the Lap of God.
We must cherish positive thoughts, positive ideas, positive ideals. Only then will our Goal no longer remain a far cry. Each man has to feel, "I am at the Feet of God, my own Master. I am in the Hands of God, my own Creator. I am in the Heart of God, my only Beloved."

1 comment:

VeeKay said...

I liked this post a lot..Its a pity we cannot transcend this our gross and materialistic level to attain divinity..Excellent..Expecting more of this kind..:)